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Our Mission

To make a positive difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.

In striving to achieve our mission, we will:

  • Provide a safe, secure, and nurturing learning environment             

  • Create partnerships with families and community resource agencies

  • Recruit, develop and maintain a staff that is dedicated to promoting excellence


Eligibility & Academics

Children may be eligible for our program if they were three years of age on or before September 1st of the current school year; if they are a foster child; if a family member receives SSI; if the family earned less than the federal family income guidelines set by the US Dept of Health & Human Services in the 12 months before the family's application to the Head Start program.


We offer a full range of academic services that foster your child’s individual growth and development. We provide 4K services in the DC Everest and Mosinee School Districts for children who are four years of age on or before September 1st of the current school year.

Governing Board

Executive Director: Andrea Velasquez



President: Kristen Lonergan

Vice President: Peter Rotter

Secretary:  Rachel Craig

Treasurer: Kate Kipp

Members:  Alicia Richmond, Randy Gabriel, Kara Rakowski, Corrie Norrbom



President: Katie Crotteau

Vice President: Samantha Wehrs

Secretary:  none

Treasurer:  Theresa Seidenkranz

Members:  Jesus Favela, Ryan McGuire, Mara Mullen


What is

Head Start?

Head Start is our nation's premier provider of developmental and educational services to preschoolers and their families. Head Start and its community partners work with at-risk families to remove their barriers to success and to cultivate children's social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development so they have the abilities necessary to succeed in school and life.


The Head Start program was founded on the premise that all of our nation's young children - regardless of the circumstances of their birth - should have the opportunity to succeed. We promote a love of learning because we know that life-long learning is a cornerstone to success. Today's Head Start children are tomorrow's high school and college graduates. Not only do we want Head Start children to enter school on equal footing with their peers, we want them to be prepared, ready, and on the right path for success in life.

We know our impact on children, families, and communities happens one child at a time.

Head Start services are evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, and family-centered. We coordinate with community organizations to better support parents in their work and child-rearing roles. Children who attend Head Start participate in a variety of learning activities, eat healthy meals and snacks, receive medical and oral health care, and enjoy playing in safe indoor and outdoor environments.


Head Start includes comprehensive:

1) Early childhood education and care;

2) Child Development services for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth; and 3) Family development and support services.

Does Head Start really work?

Yes.  Because our approach addresses academic learning, emotional growth, social maturation, parental training, health and dental care, and much more, our results extend beyond the early childhood classroom to a child’s overall well-being and preparedness for life.  At Head Start we focus on achievable growth.   We know our impact on children, families, and communities happens one child at a time. This does not mean that collective Head Start success is not measurable or tangible.   It is.  We know our methods are working long-term when we produce more high school (and college) graduates, decrease the need for special education services in our public schools, and decrease the number of children and young adults repeating grades.   We’re committed to ongoing adaptation, development, and improvement to ensure the future successes of Head Start children.

How is Head Start Different?

Head Start programs operate under the strong belief that parents are their child's first, best, and most influential teachers.


It is our holistic approach -- focused on child, family, and community -- along with an unparalleled emphasis on comprehensive services that makes Head Start stand out from other early childhood programs. Additionally, Head Start programs operate under the strong belief that parents are their child's first, best, and most influential teachers. A child's home is his/her primary learning center. Head Start works with families to remove barriers to child and family success and to deepen parents' abilities to support their children. Continued and meaningful parental involvement in the education of their children is a crucial element to improving child and family success. It is a child's early experiences that help to determine how well a child performs in school and life.


Its inclusiveness also makes Head Start different from other early childhood programs. Head Start is committed to serving and supporting all young children including those:

  1. from culturally diverse backgrounds

  2. with physical or developmental disabilities, and

  3. who are vulnerable and may be experiencing or be at-risk for social or emotional distress.

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